Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Making Your Home a Haven - Fall Challenge

A friend of mine introduced me to the blog Women Living Well. I've been following it for a while and thought I should join in on their Fall Challenge on making your home a haven. This challenge has a task for each week in October that deal with praying for peace in your home, de-cluttering, and spending quality time with your family. I'll be honest, life in our home can be crazy at times. With a baby on the way and two busy little ones things have gotten crazy with keeping up on chores (or attempting to), coming up with creative meals (that my kids will eat), homeschooling Abigail, and getting ready for Lily. I'm looking forward to taking steps to hopefully making our home more peaceful. I invite you to check out this fall challenge and join in!

The first week's challenge is to light a large candle every day. Every time the candle flicker catches your eye, pray for peace in your home. I've been doing this since only Monday and am already noticing a difference. The candle not only reminds me to pray for peace, but it also helps me to remember how I can be an "instrument" of peace, especially as it relates to how I react to undesirable behavior or happenings with the girls. Things are by no means perfect, especially as the day nears a close, but I am excited for the potential of actually praying throughout the day and the peace that can result. I challenge you to try it out too-whether you're single, married, with or without kids-your home should be a peaceful place you look forward to returning to at the end of the day (or in my case, a place I look forward to waking up to in the morning :-)

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