Sarah weighed in at 17 pounds, 13 ounces (20%) and is 27 inches tall (20%). Thankfully, she didn't have to have any shots. I can't believe in three short months she'll be going in for her one year check up!
I thought I'd add a bit more about her milestones. Sarah loves to pull herself up! She'll try and climb up the side of our couch, coffee table, TV stand, crib, vacuum cleaner, us-just about anything and everything! She is everywhere. Also, we've expanded her options when it comes to table food. We moved from cheerios and biter biscuits to cut up grapes, green beans, and chicken. And just yesterday Sarah started waving "hi" to us by folding and opening her hands. So cute.
Sarah is growing up so fast.
We're going to pay another visit to our Pediatrician in a few weeks to talk about preventing this in the fall. The Doctor we met with (not our regular Pediatrician) mentioned possible asthma.
Thankfully, Abigail is quite used to having her treatments. We had a very hard time in the Doctor's office, but now she does it with no complaints, and even does it on her own.
Sarah caught Abigail's cold, but thankfully it isn't nearly as bad. She no longer has a fever and is only congested-which makes it harder to sleep and eat. Hopefully she'll be over this quickly!
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