Monday, December 12, 2011

Sugar, Sugar, and More Sugar

After church yesterday we headed over to Nonna's to build and decorate a nut-free gingerbread house. Pre-baked gingerbread house kits are basically a no-no because they are manufactured in places that process the dreaded tree nut. So, thank you to Nonna for baking our own house and for buying Abigail-friendly candy!

The girls had fun using their fingers to apply super-sweet icing to the gingerbread house. It wasn't long before Sarah skipped applying the icing to the house and instead put it straight into her mouth.

The girls seem
ed pretty wired not long after the house was complete. We headed back to GENESIS (our church) for their annual Christmas party. All of the refreshments (with the exception of a few bowls of pretzels) were sweets. Thankfully our sugar-loaded girls went to bed pretty easily once we got home.
I wonder how long our gingerbread house will last before the girls start to dismantle it. So far, so good.

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