Ease: This is a slow cooker recipe, so it is super easy. I love "set-it-and-forget-it" meals. Though you do need to add apples an hour before you are ready to serve. Five stars for ease.
Taste: Jonathan loved this meal. I enjoyed it too, though it is a little on the sweet side for me. Abigail loved the apples but shied away from the pork. We'll go with a 4.5 for taste.
Family Friendly: Like I said already, Abigail loved the apples, but didn't eat the pork (though she did taste it, I'll give her credit for that). Sarah touched the apples and gave them a taste, but didn't end up eating them (I think it was a texture thing). Sarah did have some of the pork, but didn't go crazy with it. She stuck mainly with rice and veggies tonight. I have a feeling a lot of these recipes with meat in them will have lower Family Friendly scores, but not because they aren't family friendly in general, they're just not Kapaldo Family friendly (at this stage in our family life anyway). With that said, I'll go with 2.5 stars based on our experience.
What's Cooking Rating: 4.25 stars (rounding to the nearest .25)
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