Saturday, August 4, 2012

Date Night?

What is Date Night you may ask? Well, for me and Jonathan it typically means dessert and a movie on Netflix (and, oftentimes, I end up falling asleep during the movie). When you have three little ones it's hard to get out much. And for me, it's hard to stay awake!

Jonathan surprised me with a date night out last Thursday. He made arrangements with our friends Jennifer and YiFeng to stay at our place while the girls slept. I had a feeling something was going on when Jonathan asked me if I had any milk stored for Lily and if we were going to have any leftovers from dinner (for Jennifer and YiFeng).

Jonathan whisked me away to Boston where we had a nice walk along The Boston Harborwalk. We then went to get ice cream, but not until a quick trip to the ATM because the shop only took cash. We ate our ice cream by one of the fountains on Atlantic Avenue.

I think it is so critical to spend at least one evening a week with Jonathan for "date night". If we don't set aside time once a week to invest in our marriage we will easily become distracted with our girls, our work, our to-do lists, etc. Thank you Jennifer and YiFeng for making last week a special one where we could get away for a few hours!

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