Sunday, August 2, 2009

Wanna Get Away?

Abigail enjoyed her normal morning ritual: breakfast followed by a shower. Wait, it was a bath for Abigail, and a shower for Mom and Dad (she's a splasher sometimes ;-). Anyway, we got her half dressed when she decided she wanted to run around and play rather than have us put her shirt on. Thankfully, she was outnumbered and Jonathan and I managed to get her fully dressed. Abigail was not happy. She threw a little tantrum-the kind where she wanted to be near me but did NOT want me to touch her.

A few moments later I heard a scratching on our front door. I went into the living room and this is what I saw:

I think she may have been trying to escape. Thankfully (1) she had the wrong key and (2) she's just a wee bit too short :-)

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