What a Weekend!
We had a great weekend. It started with The Great Giveaway on Saturday. Jonathan went early to help set up (around 7 or so). I met up with him, bringing the girls along, around 9:30. Thanks to many amazing volunteers both Jonathan and I were able to help with the event outside, where all of the giveaway items were. Inside the church was a kids wonderland. Abigail had a blast! She spent a lot of time playing with water and jumping in a bounce house. She was entertained and cared for for a good four hours or so. Sarah spent most of her time in our backpack carrier. She even took a little nap while my friend carried her around in it. What a great invention! Here is a video of Abigail and one of her first times in a bounce house:
After The Great Giveaway we went over to my parents while Jonathan helped my sister and brother-in-law move. We then took it easy and had pizza for dinner. Oh, did I mention Abigail missed her nap? It showed during dinner-she kept nodding off. My Dad ended up taking her out of her chair so she could sleep in his arms. She had a long and active day.
Sunday wasn't as eventful. We started the day off at church. The bounce house was still there, so the kids had a blast jumping away after the service. We came home and had lunch where it looked like Abigail was ready to sleep. I scooped her up and brought her to bed. Well, in that time she must have gotten a burst of energy because she did not fall asleep. She started falling asleep during dinner like on Saturday night, so we brought her to bed. I try to explain to her just how important sleep is! Here is our cutie sleeping at dinnertime:
Thankfully Abigail has gotten back into the swing of things. On Monday and today she actually fell asleep in record time and for just over two hours each time!
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