Abigail had her 18 month check-up today and everything looks good. She's 31 inches tall (25% percentile) and 24 pounds (50% percentile). She had two shots today and did as well as could be expected for such an unpleasant situation. A friend of mine who is a Nurse Practitioner said that pretty much all 18 month olds she sees cry/fuss during the whole appointment. Abigail only put up a fuss when the Nurses/Doctor tried to touch her. She stayed in my lap for most of the exam and for both of the shots.
Abigail loves to run around. We had an outdoor church service last Sunday and, needless to say, she did not want to sit still. She also loves to play with her new 50 cent bouncy ball. Her favorite toys right now are her stuffed animals, especially Elmo. She likes to hand Mommy and Daddy all of her animals so we can hold them all at once and call them out by name.
I still don't think Abigail quite understands what is happening in Mommy's belly. We often show her my belly and ask her to say "hi" to the baby. One cute thing Abigail has been doing lately is gently holding her baby dolls in her arms and rocking them back and forth. I even convinced her to give one of her baby dolls a kiss today :-)
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