Friday, February 8, 2008


I was looking forward to work yesterday because we were having an offsite team meeting. In other words, we were going to a restaurant for lunch and then would talk business afterwards. These are often nice breaks from "real work".

My supervisor offered to drive me and my next-door-cube-neighbor to the restaurant. We were the last ones to leave. Well, this didn't turn out to be an offsite team meeting. Instead it was a surprise baby shower. Someone in my office even contacted Jonathan to join us!

I was overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of my current and even former co-workers. My very first Supervisor was there as well as the woman who hired me (a former manager who has moved up within the agency). Someone who also retired came along. They showered the baby with wonderful gifts. Like I said, I was overwhelmed.

I was very glad that Jonathan got to meet so many people that I work with. He can not put faces to names. He was struck by how different my office seemed compared to ones he has worked in. I must say I am truly blessed by the people I work for and with. I often tell people that auditing isn't the most exciting job in the world, but the people I work with keep me coming in.

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