Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Abigail and the Christmas Tree

When we first got our Christmas tree Abigail pretty much just let it be. But then we put bright lights and fun looking ornaments on it. The real temptations began though once we started placing presents with curly ribbons under the tree. On a number of occasions Abigail has approached the tree to play with the ribbons, try and grab a light, or even try and eat the ribbons.

Sorry Uncle James (M) but Abigail added her special touch to your present ;-)

I used to be able to simply move Abigail away and sit her down. Soon enough though Abigail learned how to get out of the seated position on her own. So, I ended up taking all of the presents out from under the tree and placed a bench in front of the tree in an effort to discourage Abigail from getting too close ;-)

On another note, Abigail's Nonna gave her a Christmas treat from the store she works at. There are four Christmas characters that tap dance to 8 different Christmas tunes with the push of a button. Abigail liked the one at her Nonna and Papa's house so much that Nonna bought one of Abigail's very own. Does anyone want to bet that the batteries run out by Christmas?

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