This past week Jonathan and I (and Abigail) celebrated our three year wedding anniversary. We celebrated with a home-cooked meal. I thought I would be adventurous and make a whole roasted chicken. We then watched a movie. Abigail joined in the celebration.
Here is a picture of our meal. We had roasted chicken, cous cous, and green beans. Abigail had plastic toys ;-)
Here are the flowers Jonathan gave me.
Lastly, some pictures of Abigail during the movie...she wasn't interested.
I can't believe we are already celebrating three years of marriage. They have been three wonderful years. I look forward to what God has in store for us in the years to come.
It isn't officially fall yet, but it was the perfect day for apple picking. This outing was fitting, as we just started Abigail on apple sauce this week. Now she knows where her baby food comes from :-) Abigail enjoyed picking (and tried eating) apple tree leaves, dirt, and hay, while Jonathan and I picked what we paid for: the apples!
We had a great time and look forward to making this an annual family tradition.
We celebrated Jonathan's birthday this past Thursday. Abigail sat with her Daddy as we sang to him and he blew his candles out. I wish I snapped a photo of her when we first placed her on Jonathan's lap. She was set on grabbing the cake and had such a determined look on her face!
We took a trip down to Virginia last weekend for a friend's wedding. This was a short trip, heading down Friday morning and coming back Monday morning. I was a bit anxious this time because we decided to leave in the morning rather than late at night, meaning Abigail would be awake most of the time. It actually worked out really well! The trip down only took 9 hours with 1 hours worth of stops. This is huge. Before we had Abigail we were lucky if we made it in 9 hours. The way back took a bit longer, but it still went well.
It was nice because she would finish up her overnight sleep, wake up happy, eat, play, get grumpy, get sleepy, nap, eat, was a predictable schedule. We introduced a new song to Abby, which she likes very much, Ole McDonald. She is especially fond of the E-I-E-I-O part and Mommy's impression of the sheep, rooster, cat, and donkey.
Here are some pictures from our visit, as well as from the road trip back home.
So my Dad had a bit of fun with JibJab. Let me tell you, those guys are creative. Although, you can spend a lot of time playing around and not getting other productive things done. After seeing what my Dad "created" I had to do one with Jonathan and I. Enjoy!
It has been a while since I've made a post. This has been a busy week for us. I started back at work on Monday. I am on a very part time schedule, which is good. For now Jonathan is taking care of Abigail while I'm at work. I think the fact that he is with her has made it easier for me to adjust to being away at work.
This weekend we are headed down to Virginia for a family friend's wedding. We are going to brave the trek during the day. The last time we drove the 9 or so hours we did it overnight so Abigail would be asleep for most of it. My challenge tomorrow will be to entertain her so she does not sleep the whole trip. After all, we would like her to sleep tomorrow night.
That's it for an update. Here are some cute pictures we have taken in the past few weeks: