Thursday, July 5, 2012

July 4th

It was strange celebrating the Fourth on a Wednesday, but it's nice that it makes for two mini-work weeks.

We had a pretty laid back holiday. It started off with a nice breakfast followed by play time for the girls and chore time for Jonathan. Earlier this week I had the bright idea to try making hasselback potatoes. This involves slicing a potato almost all the way through and stuffing each slice with a bit of butter. It sounded really yummy (and still does) but I made a foolish choice for cookware and melted butter made its way all over the bottom of our oven. This led to smoke and the detector going off. So, Jonathan made the most of it and did a thorough cleaning of our oven and stove top. Thanks honey!

After lunch and Lily's brief afternoon nap we headed to our apartment's pool. We were there for a good hour and I took maybe 50 or so pictures of Lily in her tube. I'll leave you with only a few:


For dinner we headed down the street where our good friends live and we had a nice cook out. The girls enjoyed running around, spotting ants, and attempting to kill the ants they saw.

After a much-needed bath and after baking cookies in our good-as-new oven we sat down and watched the National Fireworks on TV. I'm really hoping sometime soon we'll be headed back down to Virginia to watch the fireworks live on the National Mall like we've done so many times before.

Thankfully the girls fell asleep quickly. Lily though paid us back for not keeping her up for the fireworks. She woke up three times last night and took a good hour to get back to sleep for her last wake-up around 3:30.

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