Wednesday, June 6, 2012

What's Cooking: Barbecue Indian Spice Chicken

We usually do our grocery shopping on Monday evenings, which means our Monday night dinner is usually pasta with tomato sauce. Because I copped out on dinner Sunday night (we had chicken nuggets) I decided to try and make a "real" meal for Monday.

I knew we had plenty of chicken in our freezer. We also had yogurt in the fridge, so I thought I'd try and find a new recipe combining the two. I had heard of people using yogurt while making chicken and wanted to know what it was like. Off to Pinterest I went. It was then when I realized that my yogurt wasn't plain yogurt, it was vanilla. So I decided to do Google instead. I ended up finding a recipe for Barbecue Indian Spice Chicken. I didn't follow the recipe exactly, but used it for inspiration. Here we go!

Modifications/Substitutions: I skipped out on the jalepeno. Instead of cumin I used chili powder. I also cut down on the cayenne to 1/8 of a teaspoon and upped the garlic powder to about 1/2 of a teaspoon (really, who uses just a dash of garlic powder???). I also baked the marinated chicken in the oven at 350 rather than broil it.

Ease: I love recipes where you can get part of it done ahead of time. If I had found this recipe sooner I would have made the marinade the night before. I ended up putting it together right before Lily's nap. It was nice to know that all I'd have to do was cook the chicken later in the afternoon - 5 stars.

Affordability: Lately we've been purchasing our chicken at BJ's. It ends up being only about $1.99/lb, which is how much we pay at the grocery store when it is on sale. The remaining ingredients were also very affordable - 5 stars.

Taste: Jonathan didn't know what to think when he saw dinner. I told him I wouldn't let him in on what it was until he tried it. After tasting it he let me know it was "surprisingly good." It was good, just not fantastic-4 stars.

Family-Friendly: Sarah gave the chicken a try after telling me, "I don't wike chitin." Abigail didn't want to try it, telling me that "chicken makes me cry." Sarah then started fake crying to be funny, and it was funny. Anyway, Abigail tried the chicken but didn't go crazy for it. Sarah changed her mind about the chicken and ended up liking it. I'll just go with a 3 here because mommy and daddy ended up eating more chicken than the girls.

What's Cooking Rating: 4.25 stars

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