Monday, March 30, 2009

Abigail is One!

Abigail turned one yesterday. It is hard to believe that a year ago Jonathan and I were holding a tiny baby in our arms wondering what we were getting ourselves into ;-) At least that may have been what I was thinking. It was bittersweet putting Abigail to bed last night. I feel like I can't call her my baby anymore-she's a big girl :-)

She started her big day by sleeping through the night! What a treat for all parties involved :-) Abigail had her breakfast while we watched home videos from the past year. The rest of the morning we got ready for her birthday festivities.

Thankfully Abigail got a quick nap in before guests arrived. I think she was a bit overwhelmed-we managed to fit almost 25 adults, 3 kids, and 3 little ones in our apartment. Soon after everyone made it to our place we sang "Happy Birthday" and let Abigail have her way with her own little birthday cake.

After cake we had to give Abigail a quick dunk in the tub-I don't think any number of baby wipes or paper towels could do the trick. Then Abigail helped her Mommy open her presents. Abigail has plenty of adorable spring/summer outfits and dresses.

Thanks to everyone for their happy birthday wishes. Thank you also to Grandma and Papa Kapaldo, Uncle Aaron, and Uncle Nate for making the drive up from Virginia to celebrate with us. Thanks also goes to Aaron for taking such great pictures of our celebration! Before we know it we'll be welcoming Baby #2 into the world and then will celebrate Abigail turning 2! Time flies by!

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